Friday, July 29, 2011

Chinese camp

Katelyn had the opportunity to go to Chinese camp this week. It was such a blessing for both of us really. (I stayed with her each day so I got to learn and experience it too...and meet some other adoptive parents.) There were about 25 children who had all been adopted from China (and a few siblings of those children who are obviously not Chinese). The couple that ran the camp had spent three years in China learning english and had adopted a little girl themselves. It was fun to see Katelyn interact with all of the other kids.

Here's a picture of a very beautiful group of children!!!

The younger kids are learning their colors in Chinese.

Katelyn always loves snack time!!!

More colors.

There was also a very sweet Chinese lady named Ting Ting who was helping. The girls with her were learning to count to 10 in Chinese.

The kids learned songs, words and Chinese games. They played together and did crafts. They learned how to pick up mini marshmellows with chop sticks. They saw where on the map of China they were from. They learned about some different parts of China and animals from China. We ended the week with a meal at a local Chinese restaurant. The best part is that this group is figuring out ways we can continue meeting on a regular basis!

What a fun week!!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

A day at the lake

On Saturday we spent the day at the lake with the boat FINALLY in the water! Yeah!!!

Katelyn was very excited to go on the boat and head to the beach!

Here is my brother. I'm not sure I really want to claim him in this outfit, but regardless...he is mine. :)

Cutie patootie husband enjoying a day where he is not at work. Yeah for relaxing.

Mom and Niki (sis-in-law) on their noodles. Oh we love our noodles.

Katelyn running in...ready to go swimming.

She loves to swim...not so sure about the face in the water yet though.

Our crazy family and the goose/duck family. :)

Katelyn enjoying herself.

We really, really missed dad! Katelyn was very concerned about who would drive the boat. And now mom has headed back to Arizona to be with my grandparents. This was not really the summer we had all planned...but we're making due with what's been dealt.

I slept 10 hours last night and took a nap for an hour this afternoon and I am absolutely exhausted...exhaustion like I have never known before. I am really ready for the second trimester. No nausea and some energy sounds like heaven. I'm 11 weeks tomorrow so hopefully all of that is right around the corner! Baby Kramer is the size of a lime. :)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A crack in the axle

We know that most little girls want to push their babies around in their stroller, but Katelyn is a girl that has a need to tinker, dissect and figure out how things work. So tonight our little mechanic was telling us that her stroller had a crack in the axle and she needed to fix it. Of course the fix was wrapping plastic beads around it. :)

Funny, funny, funny!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Papa (and all), here's a bonus video of Katelyn. Enjoy!

Katelyn's dance

Our new camera takes good little videos and we think we've figured out how to post them to the for your viewing pleasure we have Katelyn's made up dance from earlier this morning. She called it the "Twisty Tree Binocular Dance"