Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Hands down this is my FAVORITE time of year. Sunny and warm....rainy days that cool it down a bit...playing outside a lot....working in the yard/garden...a sweaty, dirty baby at the end of the day...PERFECT.
Oh, and I get to marry this wonderful man in 38 days...but who's counting?
The garden is doing great. We had lots of rain last week and it's been hot and sunny for the last few days so everything's shooting up. Back in the corner we have lettuce, spinach, swiss chard, turnips and broccoli.

We're going up to Michigan for Memorial Day weekend to spend time with Michael's friends and family. I'm so excited to meet them all and hang out. By the time we get back this broccoli will be ready to harvest! Yum. Katelyn's favorite veggie is steamed broccoli. She'll be so excited. I'm glad she gets to see it grow, help pick it, cook it and eat it! It's nice to be able to feed my little family some good, fresh food.

I thinned out the lettuce last night....

and our salad was extra delicious because the lettuce went from garden to plate in about 15 minutes. Doesn't get much fresher than that.

Katelyn got me a peony and a lilac bush for Mother's Day and I've got them planted now. We've got the herb garden bed and the big raised bed all weeded out and I'm having someone come in the next week to bring in some more dirt. Then when we get back from Michigan we'll do some serious planting. We're a couple weeks behind schedule but it was so cool and rainy for so many days last week that I"m actually glad we didn't have young seedlings in the ground yet.
I wouldn't trade lives with anyone. I'm positive this is the most content I've ever been. I knew 2010 was going to be great...I just felt it.

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