Sunday, March 21, 2010


The rain never came. I can't believe the weather was forcasted wrong in Kentucky (insert sarcasm here). But great for us because it meant we got to carry on in the yard this afternoon. Constructing the raised bed (Michael) and planting flowers (me) meant that we pulled out all the stops to entertain Katelyn so she'd let us work. A fudgesicle out on the lawn worked for a while.
Kicking the ball around made her happy.

But really she just wanted to "help" us. I must admit, we were thankful when nap time came.

Michael built the raised bed...
...and dug a trench for it to rest in. He worked really hard today. I can't wait to plant this year's garden. We'll have about 3X more space. Plenty to feed us this summer and can lots for fall and winter.

Katelyn discovered that there were bugs in the trench. Bugs and dirt = happy girl.

Face right on in there. She was looking at ants.

All finished! Michael even turned over the grass. Now we just need to get a truckload or two of dirt...

I got a pot of hyacinths and tulips for my birthday so I transplanted all the bulbs by the fence line this afternoon. I also planted three pots of pansies for the front porch.

In between all of the planting I made peanutbutter muffins (great recipe with no sugar or oil...mashed bananas and applesauce instead), banana bread, grilled chicken salad for lunch, turkey burgers, sweet potato fries and green beans that I had frozen from the farm for dinner.
This was a great weekend and we are right on track for a great crop this we just need the weather to cooperate!


a.b. said...

I'm getting excited about our garden too! I have everything to start the seeds inside! This week it's suppose to be in the high 40s and low 50s....way to early for us to plant outside. Thanks for the updates. I can't crab this week!

Unknown said...

Hope you planted lots of dandelions in your new garden!
Looks like you were having lots of fun while making Michael do all of the hard stuff (way to go Melissa).
It isn't anywhere warm enough here "up north" in Michigan for any kinds of planting. Actually, that doesn't happen around here until May typically! Love ya
Aunt DeDe

Melissa K. said...

I know...score me! He was all excited to do it. I helped when he was glueing and screwing the corners together and I helped him lift it into the trench...but yeah, he did all the hard stuff. He's a gem! It's early here for most of the planting but the early crop stuff that's pretty cold resistant is okay to get started.