Sunday, March 28, 2010

I'm a big girl

Mommy's taking the night off but I figured you'd rather hear from me anyway. I'm a big girl. Mommy thinks this has happened overnight...but I've been working on some stuff.
Like riding my bike (and I think I look cool with my sunglasses on.)
We went to the park yesterday. The big one with the duck pond and the really cool playground. It was really sunny out. I'm so glad I get to play outside now. I guess lots of kids got to play outside today because by the time we got to the park the ducks were all full and they wouldn't eat my bread. I was a little sad about that until mommy said we could go over to the playground. Boy, I really do like to play there...

I like to be pushed on the big girl swing. I hold on really tight and I don't lean back. Mommy says I'll fall off. But I'm a big girl now so I've got it under control.

I'm a really good climber. I get get up a ladder in no time flat. Mommy held me up and I went across the monkey bars by moving my hands from ring to ring. That was super fun. I had to do that a few times.

I like adventure...the thrill...the excitement. Those big twisty twirlly slides are the best thing ever. They make me laugh everytime. Sometimes mommy gets a little nervous when I'm up at the top but I think she worries too much.

We had so much fun. I was REALLY sad when we had to leave. I could play at the park forever. But when we went home mommy made homemade pizza...the dough and everything. It was pretty tasty. I like pizza a lot.

Before we left mommy let me ride the horsey one more time. I love that thing. I'm ready for Keeneland!

The really big thing I've learned how to do this week is how to use the big girl potty. I've learned to tell mommy when I have to go and I'm wearing big girl panties. I haven't had an accident in two days! I even tell mommy that I have to go when we're at a store or at church or something. This makes mommy really happy. We sing and I get M & M's and stickers. I even went poo poo on the potty today. I told you I'm a big girl. I'm just about ready to be three now. Two is for babies.

1 comment:

Aunt Bird said...

Dear Katelyn, I really like it when you update the blog. You tell us much more than mommy does. And I'm sure Mommy needed a break after helping you to get potty trained. I'm sure glad you had fun at the park. Just remember, Mommy is always going worry about you, even when you are a really big girl! I hope you get lots of candy from the Easter Bunny. I love you lots. Hugs & Kisses.