Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Stir crazy day

Today has been a slow day spent around the hotel. Five of the seven babies in our group have cough/cold/respiratory stuff and it's a bit rainy out today. We were supposed to go to the park but are saving that for another day. We're going to a bookstore this afternoon and then out to dinner, which is great because I need to leave the property for a while! Our guide is going to help us find a good Chinese children's songs CD to take home for Katelyn to listen to.

Because many of the babies are a little sick, our guide had a pediatrician come by the hotel to visit with each family for a brief check up. Katelyn is fine and there are no health problems at this point. Please pray that she stays healthy.

Today has been about eating, playing and napping. The princess is good at all of these things. She actually was sitting up on her own for a while which was good progress.

The baby slept well all night again. She was up for about an hour from 1:15-2:15 but other than that it's 8pm-6am for her.

She is crazy strong willed. When she wants something she wants it...and when she's hungry or tired you better hop to or she'll give you an earful.

I will try and post some more pictures later. Today's been pretty uneventful. We're supposed to be going on a drive to the countryside tomorrow which will be fabulous. I need an adventure.


Anonymous said...

Mikki still loves her naps too. They are so easy to put to sleep. I couldn't ask for a better baby. I imagine they are all very sweet because they were loved so much at their orphanage. We are so blessed. God watched over our little angels for us.

Monica said...

I pray that Anna will be able to sleep that well, too, when we get to bring her home. Hopefully Katelyn will keep it up back at home. Sleep is a blessing!! She's such a cutie, I can see the eyelashes, amazing!

In Him,

Monica Sneller